Support with the Standard plan

The Standard subscription plan gives you access to ad-free browsing, discounts, supporter commenting status, and a monthly article from the editor. This plan offers two subscription plans: monthly and yearly.

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What's included in the Standard plan

Weekly newsletter

The Eurogamer Essentials newsletter, rounding up the best of the site from the week with a little insight from the editor, and the return of Game of the Week.

Ad-free browsing

View the site without any advertising and with a tweaked, clean new layout.


Exclusive discounts on Eurogamer merch and more.

A supporter-exclusive Off Topic column every week

Read writing from the Eurogamer team on the topics outside of gaming they're passionate about.

"Supporter" commenting status

The word "supporter" next to your username, in an attractive shade of pink. Wear it with pride!

Need help deciding?

If there's anything you're unsure about with the subscription or want to discuss the benefits more, please contact our support team.